Book & Breakfast 2018
Im Rahmen des Englischunterrichts veranstalteten die beiden Sprachgruppen der 6A gemeinsam mit ihren Lehrerinnen ein Lesefrühstück in der Schulbibliothek. Wie sich diese besondere Unterrichtsstunde gestaltete, berichtet eine Schülerin dieser Klasse:
In favour of the “Österreich liest: Treffpunkt Bibliothek‘‘-week, the 6A made a small “Book & Breakfast“ at the school’s library on Thursday, the 18th October. It took place from 8:00 AM to 8:50 AM, which, correctly said, means the first lesson was spent on this small breakfast.
Students of this class were invited to read an English book and fill in a list with small tasks about it. It was free to everybody which kind of book they wanted to choose, either one from the library or one that they owned themselves.
The breakfast consisted of doughnuts, cake, biscuits and other sweet things, which were served on the front desk. Almost all of the food was gone afterwards.
Thanks to Mrs Wagenhofer and Mrs Winkler, who are the teachers of the two English groups, this breakfast was a special and nice experience for everybody.
(by Martina Zechner, 6A)